To me, this is the end-all be-all macro for a Warrior. I judge how well a player knows how to Warrior by how they manage to Charge, Intercept, and Intervene when needed.
This macro allows you to bind all 3 abilities into one keybinding. Here is how it works:
First Click
1. If warrior is within 15 yards, Charge is off cooldown, and target is non-friendly, warrior will Charge target.
2. If warrior is within 15 yards and target is friendly, warrior will Intervene target.
Second Click (if warrior doesn't charge)
1. If warrior is within 10 yards and target is non-friendly, warrior will Intercept target.
2. If warrior is between 10-15 yards and Intercept is unavailable, target is non-friendly, warrior will Charge target.
Best way to use it, select your target, hit the macro, if you don't Charge, click again to Intercept (if you have the Rage). This is how you see me Charge/Intercept numerous mobs on some tough pulls. I charge one, drop a Thunderclap, Intercept the far mob, rotate 180 and Shockwave, and then Intervene if anyone has pulled aggro.
It takes awhile to learn how to use it correctly. I would advise using the training dummies and a friend to practice the clicking. It may make little sense what you read, but in practice you'll understand.
#showtooltip Charge
/castsequence [harm] reset=15 Charge, Intercept, Charge; [help] Intervene;
This macro allows you to bind all 3 abilities into one keybinding. Here is how it works:
First Click
1. If warrior is within 15 yards, Charge is off cooldown, and target is non-friendly, warrior will Charge target.
2. If warrior is within 15 yards and target is friendly, warrior will Intervene target.
Second Click (if warrior doesn't charge)
1. If warrior is within 10 yards and target is non-friendly, warrior will Intercept target.
2. If warrior is between 10-15 yards and Intercept is unavailable, target is non-friendly, warrior will Charge target.
Best way to use it, select your target, hit the macro, if you don't Charge, click again to Intercept (if you have the Rage). This is how you see me Charge/Intercept numerous mobs on some tough pulls. I charge one, drop a Thunderclap, Intercept the far mob, rotate 180 and Shockwave, and then Intervene if anyone has pulled aggro.
It takes awhile to learn how to use it correctly. I would advise using the training dummies and a friend to practice the clicking. It may make little sense what you read, but in practice you'll understand.
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